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Thursday, October 3, 2013



Have you ever feel unsatisfied with your lifestyle? wishing a more comfortable life as billionaire. Billionaire or not, many people would be dying to switch shoes with you. Some people are so poor that they can die out of starvation and diseases due to lack of nutrition. Surprisingly, almost half of the worlds population live with less than $2.50 a day. That's over 3 billion people were talking about.

Some people's opinion suggested that the hardship of one person has got nothing to do with another. Hey, get real people! Is it human to let others suffer while you just let it be and pretend nothing happened. Its true that some poverty are resulted from plain laziness and making the wrong decisions. However, what about those who are living in a country with weak government or a victim of a disaster. Should they be blamed for their predicament. 

The major cause of poverty can be viewed by the cutbacks in health, education and other vital social services. It is a direct result from structural adjustment policies prescribed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. More over, developing countries compete with each other to gain stability in industry. They will tend to reduce wages and cheaper resources which can lead to inequality among people that can cause poverty.


1) Children
  • Children are born physically and mentally disable and have low birth weight. Parents that bare the child are unable to provide sufficient nutrients to their infant so basically, a child born this way is not normal. 
  • They are also less educated compared to wealthy children. In fact, they can't even afford to go to a decent school. Furthermore, they often miss out on school because of their illness. Their disabilities also effects their learning capability. They are slower to understand in learning sessions and sometimes need special attention by teachers. All these factors disrupts them from learning.
  • For those whom are not effected by disabilities, their major obstacle is financial support. They can't afford expensive learning tools like books and calculators which puts them at a disadvantage. Aside from that, they are unable to perform their furtheras education costs a lot. It's a shame because they have high desire to succeed but couldn't.

2) Family
  • In poor countries, job opportunity are very limited considering the low quantity of resources. Many that could not get a job remain jobless. So poor families will face financial problems. This causes high level of stress that may effect their health and their mentality
  • can cause dispute among family members. 
  • increase crime rates because everyone are desperate for food and money. They are obligated to support their loved ones even if it means stealing.

3) Homelessness
  • Children usually does not receive enough nutrients and immunization. They will receive health problems such as kwashiorkor due to lack of protein.
  • Homeless women have problems in giving birth like higher risk of miscarriage due to unbalanced diet. 


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